Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

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Direct Your Daughter to Do a Distraction Detox (Interview with Billie Jauss)

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Direct Your Daughter to Do a Distraction Detox (Interview with Billie Jauss) Episode 212

Hey Dads…Today on The Dad Whisperer Podcast I’m joined by my friend, Billie Jauss. Her last name might sound familiar since her husband has been a professional baseball coach for over 30 years and currently is with the Washington Nationals. Billie and I talk today about how you as a dad can direct your daughter to do a "Distraction Detox,” which will help her identify emotional toxins that tear down and discourage while stealing joy and purpose. We invite you to join us and then lead your daughter in detoxing!

To find out more about Billie, connect with her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or her podcast “Start Small BELIEVE BIG.”